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Taiwanese students protested at Harvard and Xie Feng was dragged away. The person who dragged him was accused of being the chairman of the Chinese Federation of Students | Literature City

Taiwanese students protested at Harvard and Xie Feng was dragged away. The person who dragged him was accused of being the chairman of the Chinese Federation of Students | Literature City
Taiwanese students protested at Harvard and Xie Feng was dragged away. The person who dragged him was accused of being the chairman of the Chinese Federation of Students | Literature City

Article Source: Newtalk At
2024-04-22 09:21:09
– The news is taken from major news media. The news content does not represent the position of this website!

Wu Ting-hua, a Taiwanese student who was dragged away by Chinese student Zou Hongji at Harvard for protesting against Xie Feng’s speech.

On April 20, when Harvard University held a speech by Chinese Ambassador to the United States Xie Feng, a protest took place at the scene. A group of members of a pro-democracy movement advocating for Tibetan independence and Wu Tinghua, a Harvard student from Taiwan, protested, causing the speech to be temporarily interrupted.

The first protester was Wu Ting-hua, a Harvard student from Taiwan. She stood up at the beginning of her speech and loudly criticized China for destroying democratic freedoms in Hong Kong and Taiwan, saying that Xie Feng’s “hands are stained with blood.” She also noted that China has deprived Hong Kong people of basic freedoms and is trying to do the same to Taiwan. Next, a second protester stood up and held up a banner criticizing China for forcing Tibetan children into boarding schools. The two protesters were subsequently removed from the venue.

Xie Feng continued his speech, but was interrupted by a third audience member. This Tibetan held high the snow-capped lion flag and shouted the slogan “Free Tibet”.

It is reported that the person who took the protesters away from the venue was Zou Hongji, chairman of the Chinese Federation of Students at Harvard University. Majoring in international political economy, he calls himself a global citizen and is committed to promoting cross-cultural exchanges. Netizens criticized him angrily as a little pink from Beijing, working as a thug for the Chinese government.

The person who led the protesters away from the venue was Zou Hongji, chairman of the Chinese Student Federation of Harvard University. Picture: X account @Terenceshen

The person who led the protesters away from the venue was Zou Hongji, chairman of the Chinese Students Federation of Harvard University. Picture: X account @Terenceshen

The two Harvard classmates who interrupted Xie Feng’s speech, the one on the left is Taiwanese student Wu Ting-hua who was dragged away by Zou Hongji. Figure: Video (new head shell synthesis)


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The article is in Chinese

Tags: Taiwanese students protested Harvard Xie Feng dragged person dragged accused chairman Chinese Federation Students Literature City


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