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Famous Iranian rapper sentenced to death!The charges are related to unrest | Literature City

Famous Iranian rapper sentenced to death!The charges are related to unrest | Literature City
Famous Iranian rapper sentenced to death!The charges are related to unrest | Literature City

Article Source: ettoday At
2024-04-24 22:26:32
– The news is taken from major news media. The news content does not represent the position of this website!

▲Iranian rapper Salehi.

The defense lawyer of the well-known Iranian rapper Toomaj Salehi revealed to the media on the 24th that Salehi has been sentenced to death by the Iranian Revolutionary Court on charges related to the unrest from 2022 to 2023.

According to Reuters, BBC and other reports, Salehi previously publicly supported the Iranian anti-government nationwide protests that broke out in 2022 due to the hijab issue of 22-year-old woman Mahsa Amini through songs. He was accused of multiple crimes. In 2022 He was arrested in October 2020. Due to the Supreme Court ruling, he was sentenced to six years and three months in prison in July 2023 to avoid the death penalty. He was released on bail in November of the same year, and was arrested again not long after. In January, the Isfahan Revolutionary Court filed new charges.

Salehi’s lawyer Amir Raisian said on the 24th that the Isfahan Revolutionary Court ignored the Supreme Court’s ruling and sentenced Salehi to death; Salehi faced guilty charges including multiple corruption, armed rebellion, and inciting riots wait. The Iranian judiciary has not yet confirmed the verdict, but Salehi has 20 days to appeal against the death sentence, and Salehi’s lawyer has publicly stated that he will appeal.


▲The picture shows an anti-government demonstration in Iran in December 2022. The character on the poster is Salehi.

Before the wave of protests broke out in Iran in 2022, Salehi was an outspoken person. He was banned from performing at concerts and could only release songs through social media. Through his songs and lyrics, he boldly criticized the corruption and opposition of the Iranian leadership. Crackdown on dissent.

In response to Iran’s verdict, the Office of the U.S. Special Envoy for Iran expressed regret, “This is an example of the regime’s brutal treatment of the people of this country, its disregard for human rights, and its fear of the people’s pursuit of democratic change.”


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The article is in Chinese

Tags: Famous Iranian rapper sentenced deathThe charges related unrest Literature City


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