Research shows that female doctors treating female patients have lower death and readmission rates | Literature City

Research shows that female doctors treating female patients have lower death and readmission rates | Literature City
Research shows that female doctors treating female patients have lower death and readmission rates | Literature City

Article Source: ETtoday At
2024-04-23 16:47:13
– The news is taken from major news media. The news content does not represent the position of this website!

▲Research shows that if female patients are treated by female doctors, both the mortality rate and the readmission rate within one month are lower than those treated by male doctors. (Photo/CFP)

The latest medical research shows that if female patients are treated by female doctors, both the mortality rate and the readmission rate within one month are lower than those treated by male doctors. The research team believes that the reason may be that female patients are more willing to tell female doctors about their symptoms without scruples, and male doctors are more likely to discriminate against female patients, “thinking that women’s symptoms are more caused by emotions.”

Comprehensive foreign media reports, the latest research published in the American medical journal Annals of Internal Medicine by a team including the University of Tokyo in Japan shows that the mortality rate of female patients treated by female doctors within 30 days after hospitalization was 8.15%. It is 0.24 percentage points lower than those treated by male doctors; the readmission rate within 30 days after discharge is also 0.48 percentage points lower than that treated by male doctors, which is 15.51%.

The study used U.S. public health insurance diagnosis and treatment data to investigate nearly 780,000 hospitalized patients over the age of 65 treated by about 42,000 doctors from 2016 to 2019. The results showed that for male patients, the doctor’s gender had almost no significant impact on death or readmission rates.

Miyawaki Atsushi, a member of the research team and a special lecturer at the University of Tokyo, said that although the data itself cannot explain why female patients perform better when treated by female doctors, other studies have proven that female patients are less likely to perform better when treated by female doctors. Situations of “poor communication, misunderstandings, prejudices” will be experienced.

Miyawaki Atsushi said part of the problem stems from the limited training medical students receive in women’s health issues. Ronald Wyatt, medical officer of the Association for Medical Diagnosis, a non-profit research and advocacy organization, pointed out that “doctors tend to stereotype women, regardless of age, and tend to believe that women’s symptoms are more caused by emotions or that their pain It’s actually not that serious.”

According to statistics, women and minority patients in the United States are 30% more likely to be misdiagnosed than white men. The research team believes that another reason is that female doctors know how to listen better, and female patients are more willing to talk about their conditions without scruples in front of people of the same sex, so that doctors can make a better diagnosis.

However, Preeti Malani, a professor of medicine at the University of Michigan, also reminded that this does not mean that female patients should change doctors because the overall difference is still small. The same doctors are wrong, and the bigger issue is understanding the reasons behind these disparities.”

Hardeep Singh, a professor at Baylor College of Medicine in Texas, said that from hospitalization to discharge, patients are cared for by the entire medical team in addition to doctors. “The medical outcome is unlikely to depend on the individual, but on the entire The clinical team and the context of local care.”

However, Singer also mentioned. This study does show that female doctors have better communication conditions. Therefore, we hope that health units can thoroughly understand what female doctors do right when treating female patients, and then promote it so that there will be better trust between doctors and patients. relation.


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The article is in Chinese

Tags: Research shows female doctors treating female patients death readmission rates Literature City


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