Beijing summons German ambassador for arresting Chinese spies The ambassador calls it “intriguing” | Literature City

Beijing summons German ambassador for arresting Chinese spies The ambassador calls it “intriguing” | Literature City
Beijing summons German ambassador for arresting Chinese spies The ambassador calls it “intriguing” | Literature City

Article Source: Voice of America At
2024-04-25 16:17:50
– The news is taken from major news media. The news content does not represent the position of this website!

Screenshot of social media X of Patricia Flor, German Ambassador to China

The German Ambassador to China, Patricia Flor, posted on social media Espionage for the Germans.

Fu Rong said in the post that being summoned by the Chinese Ministry of Foreign Affairs was “an intriguing move, but it is also a good opportunity to explain some things.” She said, “We will never tolerate any espionage operations in Germany, no matter which country it comes from; we use the rule of law to protect our democracy and the rule of law; the German Federal Attorney General will lead the investigation, and the above-mentioned accusations will ultimately be made by an independent court. Give a verdict.”

In her post, Fu Rong did not specify which official from China’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs summoned her, nor did she provide other details of China’s summons to her.

The Bourne Supremacy

German police on Tuesday arrested an aide to a far-right German member of the European Parliament on suspicion of spying for China. The assistant’s name is Jian Guo, and he has been traveling in German political circles and German-Chinese circles for a long time. He is suspected of not only transferring information on negotiations and decision-making in the European Parliament to Chinese intelligence agencies, but also collecting information about them through his close relationship with Chinese dissidents living in Germany and reporting it to the Chinese national security department.

German Interior Minister Nancy Faeser said the espionage charges were “extremely serious.” Feser issued a statement saying, “If it is confirmed that someone is acting as a spy for Chinese intelligence agencies from within the European Parliament, then this is an attack from within the European democratic system.” Feser emphasized that this case must be thoroughly investigated.

The day before, the German authorities announced the arrest of three German citizens, accusing them of long-term service to Chinese intelligence agencies and illegal export of German technological products and military innovations to China.

German prosecutors charged the three Germans with serving Chinese intelligence agencies starting before June 2022 and allegedly violating German export laws by exporting a special laser without a license.

One of the suspects, “Thomas R.,” is suspected of being a spy developed by an agent of China’s Ministry of State Security to obtain information on innovative military technologies in Germany. To this end, Thomas R used a company owned by the couple “Herwig F.” and “Ina. F.” in Dusseldorf to contact German researchers and cooperative activities.

The couple allegedly entered into a research transfer agreement with a German university, the first step of which was to launch a study on machine parts technology for a Chinese partner. These parts can be used not only in powerful ship engines, but also in warship engines.

Federal prosecutors said the Chinese partner was behind Thomas R.’s connection to China’s Ministry of State Security and that the project was funded by the Chinese government.

The report said that when authorities arrested the three suspects, they were in the process of negotiating a research project that could be used to expand the Chinese navy’s combat capabilities.

German Interior Minister Nancy Fezer said in a statement on Monday, “We are closely monitoring the significant danger of Chinese espionage in the commercial, industrial and scientific fields. We are closely monitoring these risks and threats and are clearly warning and raising public awareness.” sensitivity so that protection measures can be strengthened on all fronts.”

German Chancellor: Germany cannot accept foreign espionage

Two days in a row, Germany announced the arrest of a total of four Germans for spying for China, which shocked the outside world and triggered detailed reports in the international media.

German Chancellor Scholz, who just paid his second official visit to China from April 14 to 16, issued a statement on April 24 regarding the recent spate of Chinese espionage incidents in Germany. He firmly stated that Germany cannot accept foreign espionage activities and that Germany will work hard to Bring those responsible to court.

The two arrests in Germany came just a week after Scholz concluded his second visit to China. However, German officials stressed that Scholz’s visit had no impact on the timing of the arrests.

In its relationship strategy with China announced last year, the German government defined China, the Asian superpower, as a “partner, competitor and institutional rival” and called for a significant reduction in sanctions while maintaining economic ties worth hundreds of billions of dollars. Dependence on China’s supply chain.

“We take decisive action to counter all analog and digital espionage and sabotage activities by Chinese intelligence services and state-controlled groups, whether within or against Germany,” the strategy added.

In response to a question about the activities of Chinese spies in Europe, Chinese Foreign Ministry spokesperson Wang Wenbin said at a regular press conference on Tuesday that relevant reports were “smearing and suppressing” China. He continued to avoid directly answering questions from foreign reporters about whether China denied that those arrested in Germany were Chinese spies. Wang Wenbin only once again urged relevant parties in Europe to stop spreading false information about so-called “Chinese spies” and stop anti-China political manipulation and malicious slander.


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The article is in Chinese


Tags: Beijing summons German ambassador arresting Chinese spies ambassador calls intriguing Literature City


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