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The actress was praised as more beautiful than Brigitte Lin Qingxia and never messed around, but she was suffering from AIDS. She died at the age of 41 | Literature City

The actress was praised as more beautiful than Brigitte Lin Qingxia and never messed around, but she was suffering from AIDS. She died at the age of 41 | Literature City
The actress was praised as more beautiful than Brigitte Lin Qingxia and never messed around, but she was suffering from AIDS. She died at the age of 41 | Literature City

Article Source: China Times News Network At
2024-04-24 10:14:14
– The news is taken from major news media. The news content does not represent the position of this website!

International supermodel “Tina Zhou” was once praised as more beautiful than Brigitte Lin. (Picture/China Times file photo, Weibo)

“The Eternal Invincible of the East” goddess Brigitte Lin has a fresh and refined temperament. She is the representative of “beautiful” in many people’s minds. However, at that time, an international supermodel “Tina Zhou” was praised as more beautiful than Brigitte Lin, but she was 41 years old. He died of illness that year, which made the outside world feel sorry for him.

Tina Zhou’s original name is Bettina Louise Lutz. She was born in Japan in 1950. Since her father is a German-American soldier, she is of mixed German and Japanese descent. She has exquisite facial features and a tall figure. She was photographed as a model at the age of 15 and became a model at the age of 17. The originator of Japanese fashion models, he later successfully entered the international market and collaborated with many well-known designers.


Tina Zhou (formerly known as Bettina Louise Lutz) is of German and Japanese descent. (Picture/Weibo)

However, at the age of 22, she married Zhou Yinghua, the son of Peking Opera master Zhou Xinfang, and changed her name to Tina Chow because she took her husband’s surname after marriage. However, the marriage between the two did not last long and they separated in 1987. Officially divorced.


Tianna Zhou married Zhou Yinghua, the son of Peking Opera master Zhou Xinfang, at the age of 22. (Picture/Weibo)

However, in 1989, she suddenly publicly admitted that she was suffering from AIDS, becoming the first heterosexual person to publicly admit that she was infected with the disease. She said that she had never been promiscuous in her relationship, but it ended like this. In January 1992, Zhou Tianna died due to Died of illness at the age of 41.

After Tina Chow’s death, Hong Kong writer Yi Shu used her as inspiration to create the novel “The Round Dance”. He even described Tina Chow’s beauty as “so stunning that your jaw dropped, and your soul finally returned to the body”, making people pay more attention to her unfortunate fate. Feeling very sorry.


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The article is in Chinese

Tags: actress praised beautiful Brigitte Lin Qingxia messed suffering AIDS died age Literature City


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